

作为一名住院学生, 您可以获得个人技术支持, 包括专门的技术帮助台和计算机服务, 直接在学生宿舍.


(248) 370-2534

The 大学的宿舍 技术帮助台 is a service offered by 大学的宿舍 to all students living on campus. The Helpdesk exists to assist students with any technological problems that they might encounter while using OU’s 网络 or their own personal computing devices.

  • 协助连接个人电脑, 游戏设备, 智能手机, e-readers and other 网络-enabled devices to both the wired and 无线 网络s in the residence halls and student apartments
  • 试图从学生电脑中删除病毒和恶意软件
  • 协助将OU的电子邮件同步到智能手机
  • Technical support for the Hamlin Hall Computer Lab and other public computer stations
  • 为大学宿舍工作人员提供桌面支持
  • 高校宿舍WEPA印刷站的管理
Wireless connectivity to OU’s 网络 is provided in all of the residence halls and student apartments. In addition, most students have wired 网络 ports available for use in their rooms or apartments. 这些端口是校园内最快、最可靠的连接. 鼓励使用这些端口, Ethernet cables can be obtained by students at the 大学的宿舍 技术帮助台 free of charge. 

如果你连接WiFi有问题, please contact the 大学的宿舍 技术帮助台 at (248) 370-2534 or (电子邮件保护).

我们所有的无线接入点都是802.11ac能力和支持2.4Ghz和5Ghz频率. 然而,由于2的技术限制.4Ghz 无线 网络s it is highly recommended that students connect with an 802.11ac adapter for their 无线 devices in order to take advantage of the performance benefits of the 5Ghz 无线 technology.  OU不能保证2上业务的可靠性和一致性.4Ghz WiFi网络.

韦德体育app官网 provides the internal 网络 with a next-generation firewall, 但是学校没有为学生提供个人杀毒软件. 大学的宿舍 highly recommends that you install and maintain security software on your computer. 如果你需要这类课程的推荐, technicians at the 大学的宿舍 技术帮助台 will be able to provide you with suggestions for both free and paid-for options. Students should also keep their operating systems up-to-date with the latest patches and hardware drivers.

Any device that connects to OU’s 网络 must be registered with our Clearpass registration system using a valid OU ADMNET username and password.您可以注册的设备数量没有限制, but students are responsible for any 网络 activity that occurs on these devices, 不管谁在使用它们.


  • 作为一名学生,你很可能从来没有设置过你的ADMNET密码. 在这种情况下,你应该去 netid.奥克兰.edu to sync your NetID, Google Account and ADMNET passwords to the same password. 有关ADMNET密码的进一步资料,请浏览网页 ADMNET密码帮助.
  • You will have to register your device twice if your device can 连接到网络 via the 无线 or wired 网络. For example, some computers and gaming consoles have WiFi cards and Ethernet ports. This is because 无线 and wired connections have different MAC addresses.
  • 如果提示,您必须这样做 信任, 不验证, or 接受 *.奥克兰.edu certificate because the certificate is not installed on your device. 这并不意味着无线网络是不安全的.
    • Windows计算机:如果出现Windows安全警告框,请单击 连接.
    • 苹果电脑:如果出现一条信息,说明 您正在更改证书信任设置,输入Mac用户名和密码.
    • Android设备:针对部分版本的Android操作系统,选择 不验证 从CA证书菜单中.

您可以在校内网络连接上注册您的设备 clearpass.奥克兰.edu 使用这里列出的说明. We also have a video tutorials linked below on how to register your devices available for your convenience.

  1. 连接到 灰熊 网络.
  2. The Clearpass registration system should automatically load in a new window or tab in your browser. 如果没有,请访问 clearpass.奥克兰.edu.
  3. 使用您的ADMNET用户名和密码登录. 您的用户名是您的OU电子邮件地址的第一部分. 例如,大学住房技术帮助台的电子邮件是 (电子邮件保护),所以我们的用户名是 无线.
  4. On the next screen, a form will load that you will use to register your device. 在此表单中,设备的WiFi MAC地址将自动填充. 如果没有自动填充,请手动输入. Name your device, 输入你的OU邮箱 in the appropriate fields, 然后点击 创建设备.
  5. 如果注册成功,它应该说 设备创建完成 在这一页的顶部. 从这里, you can choose to add another device or manage your registered devices from the on-screen menu. You can now use this device anywhere within the residence halls and student apartments on the 灰熊 网络.




You can register game consoles and other browser-less electronics by following the instructions listed here. We also have a video tutorials linked below on how to register your devices available for your convenience.

请注意,在第一步, you will need to successfully connect the device to the 网络 before you attempt to register it. While you will fail connection tests and will not have access to the internet, it is a necessary step to allow the registration system to "see" the device on the 网络 and complete registration.

  1. 将设备连接到 灰熊 网络.
  2. 使用之前注册的设备,如电脑或智能手机, 连接到网络, 打开浏览器, 然后去 clearpass.奥克兰.edu.
  3. 使用您的ADMNET用户名和密码登录. 您的用户名是您的OU电子邮件地址的第一部分. 例如,大学住房技术帮助台的电子邮件是 (电子邮件保护),所以我们的用户名是 无线
  4. 从菜单中选择 创建设备.
  5. On the next screen, a form will load that you will use to register your device. 在合适的领域, 命名你的设备, enter the MAC address of your game console or other browser-less device, 输入你的OU邮箱, 然后点击 创建设备.
  6. 如果注册成功,它应该说 设备创建完成 在这一页的顶部. 从这里, you can choose to add another device or manage your registered devices from the on-screen menu.


PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
亚马逊Fire TV/Fire TV Stick 


Use of any device capable of broadcasting a 无线 signal in any manner is PROHIBITED in all residence halls and student apartments. These devices cause high levels of interference with the campus 网络 which causes the degradation of WiFi performance.

  • 个人无线路由器
  • 无线打印机
  • 手机无线热点

Students who are found using this type of equipment will be forced to take it down and could face 大学的宿舍 judicial procedures.

OU网络不允许使用桌面集线器和交换机 韦德体育app官网政策#850. Use of these devices will result in the automatic shut down of your wired Ethernet port.

任何形式的非法下载, 包括使用Limewire或Bittorrent等程序, 在校园内是禁止的, and a judicial process that includes a temporary ban from the 网络 will be carried out if you are caught by any governing body. 请浏览科技大学网页下载更多资料.
The Hamlin Hall Computer Lab is located on the main floor of Hamlin Hall in room 423, 在哈姆林服务台后面. 电脑室一天24小时开放, 所有住在宿舍的学生都可以使用. Additional public work stations are available in 橡树景大厅的主大厅, and Hillcrest Hall.

Please note that the computers in the lab are set to erase all new data and changes upon rebooting, 定期这样做. 不建议将任何工作或信息保存到计算机中. 大学的宿舍 is not responsible for any student data that is lost.

OU offers a cloud-based print solution that allows students to print documents on campus from their computer, 智能手机或平板电脑称为Wト単A ( 读作wee' pah). Students can upload documents on-the-go and print conveniently at locations across campus. 大学宿舍提供Wト単A打印亭. 这些信息亭位于哈姆林计算机实验室, Hillcrest Hall的大厅, 橡树景大厅的主大厅, 以及范登堡食堂外. 欲了解更多有关Wト単A打印服务的信息,请 请按此.


(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.